The Betty Briand ARTissage School

ARTissage was born in January 2011 in Chinon (37), France, from my meeting with a team of passionates about textiles, craftsmanship and transmission.

As a bridge between the world of art and craftsmanship, weaving pays tribute to the intelligence of the hands, the meticulous and ancestral gestures that lead to a world of making beautiful, useful, varied and innovative fabrics. A rigorous and precise approach concerning both the tool and the fabric.

First structured in association, ARTissage turned into an individual company and became Betty Briand ARTissage.

The acquisition of the first seven looms was financed by a subscription launched by the Association ARTissage, association at the origin of the school. The following ones were bought during the development of the activities of this association. Today ARTissage has become a company, and a new association, Tissage & Cie, accompanies me for communication and events. It organizes informal shared weaving sessions, reserved for ARTisserand·e·s.

The recipes come from animations, workshops and internships. Betty Briand ARTissage chose not to solicit any public subsidy.

Claiming my status as a teacher of weaving, I consider training to be a full-fledged process and I dedicate myself to it full-time. I am currently writing a book to learn handweaving, which will be published in 2020 by Editions Eyrolles.

Since September 2018, we have moved into a new spacious and bright room where looms, threads, samples, books and the classroom now find their necessary space. ARTisserand·e·s can be deployed at ease.

All courses are accessible in vocational training. ARTissage is registered under the number 24 37 03275 37 at the Prefecture of the Center Region as a training organization. Registration with Datadock is in progress. Contact me, I will be happy to guide you to prepare your application for support: tel: +33 (0)6 24 97 29 28 -Mail :

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